353214270234 | info@hvodonoghue.ie | 8 South Mall, Cork
Helen Burke H. V. O'Donoghue Solicitors
H. V. O’Donoghue efficiently delivers its legal services and keeps clients regularly updated through consultations, letters and emails. Please contact us for a full description of legal services.

Wills & Probate
A person making a Will may make as many Wills as they wish but the only relevant one is the last one. A Will is revoked by marriage, but a Will is not revoked by divorce. A Will should be made in the office of the solicitor, stored in the solicitor’s safe so that it is available when the time comes for an estate to be administered. A copy of the Will is given after the consultation. It is generally never a good idea to have the original Will located at home. A copy Will is not normally acceptable in case the original was revoked. If the original is lost, the High Court may be asked to grant Probate on foot of a copy.

Personal Injury
If you have been accidentally injured and you are faultless, you as a litigant may be entitled to bring a Personal Injury Claim. Firstly, we assist you in making a claim to the Injuries Board. After the application is submitted, it will be dealt with by the Injuries Board. The Injuries Board will notify any other parties involved with your claim, issuing a copy of your application form and your medical report. Your claim at the discretion of the Injuries Board can be assessed. When it considers your medical report(s), the Injuries Board often sends you to its own independent Medical Expert so that the Injuries Board has its own report on its records. Secondly, if not assessed, we help you proceed to litigation in the Circuit Court and/or High Court.

There are two types of property ownership, freehold is the best interest available. A leasehold gives the holder ownership of the building but not the land it stands on. Ownership that is leasehold is fixed usually for between 500 years and 900 years. A small rent called ground rent is charged by the landlord, but most landlords do not bother to collect it. The Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act 1978 abolished the right of landlords to create leases for residential dwellings and reserve a ground rent. The Land Registry operates a system to buy out ground rents. The main reason to buy out the ground rent is to have the best title available.
Fair Deal
"Fair Deal" is the scheme under which the State pays part of the cost of Nursing Home care for patients. Most people should look to availing of the programme.
Nursing home charges are beyond the capacity of those whose financial worth consists of a home and/or land that does not deliver income to meet nursing home bills. Only bed, the basic nursing services and food are covered by Fair Deal. Involvement in social activities is priced separately.

Enduring Power of Attorney
At Helen Burke H. V. O'Donoghue Solicitors, Cork we provide clients with an explanation of what the Powers of Attorney Act 1996 provides.
An Enduring Power of Attorney enables one called the “Donor” to choose a person called an “Attorney” to manage the donor’s property and affairs in the event of them becoming mentally incapable to do so.
We provide clients with explanation, guidance in the preparation and signing of this enduring power, ensuring that you fullly understand what it means.
Contact Helen Burke H. V. O'Donoghue Solicitors
Helen Burke H. V. O'Donoghue Solicitors
8 South Mall, Cork
Co. Cork, Ireland
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00
H. V. O’Donoghue Solicitors is based in the heart of Cork’s business centre. Established in 1978, our firm is synonymous with excellence, dependability and longevity, providing the best in advice and building relationships with its clients in the provision of general legal services.